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Lv 7
? 發問時間: 科學及數學數學 · 5 年前

1 個解答

  • 匿名使用者
    5 年前


    Median = 3m - 5

    Standard Deviation = 3s

    Inter - Quartile Range = 3q

    ∴ C.


    Let A = {a,b,c,d,e} and B = {a,b,c,d,e,x} and assume a ≤ b ≤ c ≤ d ≤ e

    The mean of A must not be the less than a or greater than e

    The mean of B = (a + b + c + d + e + x)/6 = (5x + x)/6 = x

    ∵ the mean of B = the mean of A

    The standard deviation of A = √ {[(a - x̅)² + (b - x̅)² + (c - x̅)² + (d - x̅)² + (e - x̅)²]/5}

    The standard deviation of B

    = √ {[(a - x̅)² + (b - x̅)² + (c - x̅)² + (d - x̅)² + (e - x̅)² + (x̅ - x̅)²]/6}

    = √ {[(a - x̅)² + (b - x̅)² + (c - x̅)² + (d - x̅)² + (e - x̅)²]/6}

    The standard deviation of B must be less than the standard deviation of A

    ∴ B. I and II only
