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王海倫 發問時間: 社會與文化語言 · 3 個月前


Jack is in his late of forties.





請問知識大大們,late of forties,不是指40歲的末尾,所以應該是快50歲才對嗎?謝謝。: )


不好意思,再多請教知識大大一個問題,如果快40歲應該是---Jack is in his late of thirties.對嗎?謝謝。: )

2 個已更新項目:

To Dear Prisoner主治醫師:

哈哈,感謝您第一時間救援呀。因為今天假日,早上與家人有安排活動,所以要很早起床。這居然也被Prisoner發現了,快逃呀!哈哈(開玩笑的) XD  

3 個已更新項目:

感謝Toming大大熱心回覆喲。: )


3 個解答

  • 3 個月前

    Jack is in his late of forties. (X)

    Jack is in his late forties. (O)

    This means that Jack is at the age of high forties, meaning almost 50.

    For example:

    He married to his wife when he was in his late forties.

    Other usage that you want to know:

    He has two children in their late teens.

    She started saving for retirement in her early twenties.

    I think you have been reading bad magazines that should be thrown away.

    Also, why are you up so early.  It is 5AM in Taiwan right now.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 個月前

    Jack is in his late forties....(no of)-----(O)

    Jack is in his late thirties....................(O)

    20 marks demanded.

  • 匿名使用者
    3 個月前

