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prisoner26535 發問時間: 社會與文化語言 · 4 年前

[英翻中]Some call it "stealthing" but many others call it sexual assault.?


Not very clear without the context, is it?

"it" is referring to "to undo the condom during sexual intercourse without telling your partner(s)."

2 個解答

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 年前

    問題在於 "stealthing",如何翻譯?

    Some call it "stealthing" but many others call it sexual assault.

    有些人說這是 "暗地裡偷襲",更多人則認為是性侵害。

  • 4 年前

    stealthing is doing things,done quietly and secretly, secretly and quietly ,by stealthing on her body.
