Yahoo奇摩知識+將於 2021 年 5 月 4 日 (美國東部時間) 終止服務。自 2021 年 4 月 20 日 (美國東部時間) 起,Yahoo奇摩知識+服務將會轉為唯讀模式。其他Yahoo奇摩產品與服務或您的Yahoo奇摩帳號都不會受影響。如需關於Yahoo奇摩知識+ 停止服務以及下載您個人資料的資訊,請參閱說明網頁。

? 發問時間: 社會與文化語言 · 6 年前

A copy of …一定指”副本”嗎?

請問當我們說a copy of ….時,一定指的是”副本”嗎?還是說,可以解釋成:”一份….”?


Verify that the following documents are on board:


1. a copy of ABCD certificate


2. an operation manual for EFGH system



請問,我可不可以將 1.翻成:”一份ABCD證書”、”一紙ABCD證書”,或單單”ABCD證書”?


P.S. 我在實務上的困擾是:證書之副本放船上,那正本放哪兒?為何不放正本呢?當時,實務上的疑點,我自己應該尋求暸解此行規的專業人士幫我解答。不過在那之前,我想請各位前輩幫忙釐清,英文的”a copy of…”一般而言,到底是不是一定指的是”副本”而非”正本”?


Dear Princess,

Thank you for the confirmation. I feel home safe now.

As to "若"本"上的資訊都是一樣的話,正本與"副本"有神不一樣呢?", here are the reasons for my raising this question:

(1) In Taiwan, when the tax Authority or an authorized CPA performs audit in a company, he or she usually looks for (or asks for) the originals of all "receipts" (i.e. proofs of expenses; mostly, GUIs).

(2) Sometimes, an original certificate can have been revoked while the user still uses it to "cheat" interested parties.

2 個已更新項目:

As to your comment....

"4.could you send me a copy of your USD$20 bill?"

Well, please give me your email address. I will send you a copy of my USD$21 (plus interest, you know) via pdf file ASAP.

3 個已更新項目:

Oh, I want to choose your answer as the best answer right now. But the thing is: I ALWAYS have problem "picking up" all five starts when I "Award Best Answer". I am trying to figure it out how to do it now. Maybe, I will try it with other PC.

2 個解答

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 年前



    在公司的保險箱哩,若是船 沉掉了,就還可以拿出來 證明使用

    3.a copy of 到底是不是一定指的是”副本”而非”正本”?


    4.could you send me a copy of your USD$20 bill?

    5. in response to your (1). My opinion is that - all legal system should be on the basis of trust, to the people in general, to some degree, at least. If you agree that the "original receipts" are typically very hard to keep, then a efficient tax (or auditing system) must not require all receipts be original. However, falsifying a receipt to cover up an audit is at different level of legal violation. Regardless if the receipt is original or softcopy (stored in computer file), the same law(s) is violated.

    6. Your (2) - how do you revoke the "original" certificate, if the loss of the certificate is NOT illegal? A revocation by taking the "original" certificate away from ones possession makes little logical sense. Especially with the almost perfect printing technologies nowadays, I can make color copy of my original certificate to the degree that none could tell them apart.

    7. I think they need to have a button for "worst answer".

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 年前

    Citron, do me a favor


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