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Lv 6
jose 發問時間: 社會與文化語言 · 6 年前

i am picking your brain

Can someone translate the first paragraph of thisreport into Chinese by Paul Waldman

(CNN)Hindsight is 20-20,but only some of us are blessed with the kind that allows us to excuse our ownmistakes by saying that back when we were making them, we knew things wouldwork out terribly. Such is the wisdom of former Defense Secretary DonaldRumsfeld, who recently said of the Iraq War, "the ideathat we could fashion a democracy in Iraq seemed to me unrealistic. I wasconcerned about it when I first heard those words ... I'm not one who thinksthat our particular template of democracy is appropriate for other countries atevery moment of their histories." Oh. Well thanks for letting usknow that now, as opposed to, say, 12 years ago.

2 個解答

  • Lucas
    Lv 6
    6 年前


    這門學問就像是前國防部長Donald Rumsfeld 在他對於伊朗的戰爭表達言論時所展現的:「打從第一次聽到起,我就覺得在伊朗建立民主的想法是非常不真實的,並且對其感到憂心 ... 我不是那種認為跟我們一模一樣的民主觀念對任何時期裡的任何國家都合適的���伙!」




    參考資料: 自己
  • 6 年前

    Iraq 伊拉克

    Iran 伊朗
