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? 發問時間: 社會與文化語言 · 4 星期前

這題英文解析是甚麼呢?()you at home,you could open the door for me.But since you are at work,I don't want to bother you.  A.Were B.If C.Would D.Should?


7 個解答

  • 呆子
    Lv 7
    4 星期前

    本句為標準假設句且與現在事實相反,為何不能用if 因為欠缺動詞,所以本句還原為?if you were at home,you could open the door for me.另可改成動詞提前。were you at home,you could open the door for me.亦可

  • 4 星期前

    A 是對的.

    Were you at home... = If you were at home ...


  • YIP
    Lv 7
    3 星期前

    If you at home, you could open the doors for me. But since you are at work and I don't want to bother you.

  • 匿名使用者
    3 星期前


  • 匿名使用者
    4 星期前


  • 4 星期前

    The conditional adj is depending on a certain condition

    eg:-His agreement to open the door is due to the fact that if he is at home, and not at work.

    Hence (A) Were you at home.

    The other variety from which to choose=choice are not conditional.

  • Jenkin
    Lv 7
    4 星期前

    (     )you at home, you could open the door for me.

    But since you are at work,I don't want to bother you.  A.Were B.If C.Would D.Should?


    (   ) you at home中沒有動詞,從文意(意思)來看,若填入

    A. Were you at home是一條問題句,因此句子應該是Were you at home? 但現在句是前後兩截的,看來應該是一組條件conditional句。

    B. If you at home, you could open the door for me.

    但這樣的子句"If you at home"是口語的片語,若是原整的文法應該是If you are at home, you could open the door for me.才是正確的"假設性"條件句子。

    C. Would you at home, ...這問句前段結構跟後段不成立。意思上Would是問"可否?"

    D. Should you at home,...。意思上Should是問"應否?"或這寫法亦可以是假設性"若然你....",但我認為文法上仍欠"動詞"。句式上唯有寫/說Should you be at home, you could open the door for me.才是正確的英文句法說出一樣沒有發生過的假設情景回想。



    我唯有選B. 只是因為較為"直接"的假設用詞(不理會文法錯誤)說出我假設性的原想法,只表示意會這段說話的前後含意。

    若然翻查原文,看看是否抄漏了些字:(  ) you're at home, ...
