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? 發問時間: 社會與文化語言 · 1 個月前

英文文法與句子結構解析(in which) ?

Millie has also become UNICEF's youngest Goodwill Ambassador, a role in which she speaks out on behalf of children who need help.

想請問專家來解釋 in which 這裡和 我該如何還原成原本的句子???

2 個解答

  • 1 個月前


    先說 a role ,此處作為「UNICEF's youngest Goodwill Ambassador」的同位語(也就是意義與「UNICEF's...Ambassador」相同)。

    再說到 in which ,這是一個關係代名詞(也就是具有連接詞+代名詞功能的詞類,簡稱關代)的更進階用法。

    此處 which 即是該關代,代表的是前方的名詞(簡稱先行詞), "a role"。後方再接句子(空出所要修飾的名詞的位置),修飾先行詞。




    Millie has also become UNICEF's youngest Goodwill Ambassador, and she in this role speaks out on behalf of children who need help.

    => Millie has also become UNICEF's youngest Goodwill Ambassador, a role which she in [] speaks out on behalf of children who need help.

    => Millie has also become UNICEF's youngest Goodwill Ambassador, a role in which she [] speaks out on behalf of children who need help.


    不過呢,關代有分「限定用法(用來限縮範圍)」與「非限定用法(用來補充說明)」。非限定用法通常在前方加逗號,我個人認為有些時候也可以把它看成 同位語 + 疑問詞子句(代替名詞) 的用法。

    題主您所提的句子是使用限定用法的,用來限縮 a role 的範圍,變成「不只是一個角色,而是為有需要的孩童大聲疾呼的角色」。


    Millie has also become UNICEF's youngest Goodwill Ambassador, in which she speaks out on behalf of children who need help.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 個月前

    Millie has also become---s+v

    unicef's youngest GA,---adj phr.

    "a role"=limited co-ordinate phr.

     in which she speaks-----orally with the rel. pron as the object of a qualify Goodwill Ambassador, adj cl of reason, manner, condition

    out on behalf of children----prep. phr

    who need help-----adj cl of manner, condition;

    in which=rel pron as obj to Goodwill Ambassador; hence the co-ordinate phr "a role" can be omitted.

    The simplified original sentence eg:-

    She speaks for needy children in UNICEF.(which is a limited role).

    =limited in no. one role only (for her)

    =one co-ordinate cl;

    ---If limited in no two roles (for her)

    =2 co-ordinate clauses.

    ---all the rest are relative co-ordinated limited in number one or above in no.

    ---the relative clause(which)shows what thing is meant for HER to do. And to add more information to a sentence,ie in the middle of the main sentence, as this sentence is writing.

    Also eg:-A surprised role came to Millie, which asked HER about Goodwill Ambassdor in UNISEF.(an adj cl).-------s-v-o-as co-ordinated limited in number one in no.only.
