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? 發問時間: 社會與文化語言 · 2 個月前


Tours and concerts were canceled, leaving musicians and fans disappointed.


3 個解答

  • Dustin
    Lv 4
    2 個月前


    Tours and concerts were canceled, which left musicians and fans disappointed.

    逗號後面是關係從句(relative clause),關代"which" 與前面整個主句關連起來(referring to the whole main clause)。


    怎樣譯 leaving musicians and fans disappointed ?


    (用被動語態去表達: musicians and fans were left feeling disappointed)

    結構:  主句所表達的事情  "令" 受詞(樂師和樂迷) + 受詞補語(失望~adjective 或 感到失望~verbal phrase)

    參考資料: Cambridge Dictionary: "which" can be used to introduce a relative clause when it refers to a whole clause or sentence.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 個月前

    If participle construction  were deleted, then the original sentence should use adverb clause of time,reason etc.

    eg:-When (they) musicians and fans heard the cancellation of tours&concerts--------adverb clause of time, reason, manner., being interrogative pronoun/adverb as subordinate clause.

    --they were disappointed----------S+vt as main clause.are--->were

    (1)It's time for fans to leave(leaving, pp--->leave vi) when the concert is cancelled.

    (2)Fans are leaving for the cancellation of concert (tomorrow).

    (3) "The concert can be left disappointed until the tour meets ( Or tours meet)", said the fans.

    ------leaving is pp for leave

    -----can be left is passive;   leave--left--left. Hence The concert can be left disappointed if fans were turned down...

    (4)To write the original with relative adverb, which, can be used to add more information

    eg:- Concerts were cancelled, "which" left Fans disappointed.

  • Jenkin
    Lv 7
    2 個月前


    巡回音樂會被取消了....樂師和樂迷都實在失望 {leav(ing) disappointed中的leave若直譯成"留下"便變成不倫不類的中文意思}


    Tours and concerts were canceled.  This left musicians and fans disappointed.

    或改變主詞把兩句變成同樣結構:Musicians and fans were disappointed.

