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王海倫 發問時間: 社會與文化語言 · 3 個月前


The German brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm decided to write folktales.They traveled all over the German countryside,asking people to tell them stories.

請問知識大大們,為什麼句子最後段會用"asking" people to tell them stories.V-ing,而不是asked呢?謝謝。: )


To Dear Prisoner:

嗚,小妹知錯了,面壁思過中。哈哈,謝謝Prisoner的分析、說明,我懂了喲。: )

2 個已更新項目:

感謝Toming大大總是熱心回覆我的問題,不吝提供見解喲。: )

2 個解答

  • 3 個月前


    1. 英語的一句話裡面是不會有兩個"主要"的意思的.這就是一般人說的2個動詞.


    2. 在這裡,就是travel與ask的重要性得比較.要是都一樣重要,就用連接詞

    They traveled all over the country and asked people to tell them stories.

    3. 要是你主觀上覺得travel比較重要,你就用travel來表示時間,形式,個數.也將另一個動詞變形為分詞片語(或是子句)或是不定詞片語來修飾另一個主要動詞.


    They traveled all over the country, asking people to tell them stories.


    They traveled all over the country to ask people to tell them stories.

    但是後句 "to ask"的目的性質太重了.讀起來還是前句比較隨興+優美.

    4. 這原則是當你寫作,讀書一超過了"簡單句"水平以後一定要知道的.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 個月前

    Warning to Helen Wang:-This is not simple sentence;

    eg:-travelled and asked;

    This is participial---consisting of a participle and other words; used only adjectivally.

    Function of Participles;

    Participles, like adjectives, are used to qualify nouns.

    eg:-The asking German Grimm (noun and subject)........

    eg:-They travelled all over the German countryside, asking people to tell them stories.


    Adjective clauses are introduced by relatives

    (a)relative pronoun:-eg:-who ask people

    (b)relative adjective:-eg:-whose asking on stories from people......

    (c)relative adverb:-eg:-where/when they ask people about stories........

    Hence V-ing is found in (b) relative adjective=whose asking on stories from people-----------------------------------------(o).

    Hence not in simple past tense

    eg:-They travelled and asked------------(x)
