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? 發問時間: 社會與文化語言 · 5 個月前


之前看到有人在句子中寫了這個 : people for short


3 個解答

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 個月前

     people for short----in short---to put it into a few words and all I mean is簡單地説,總之---人們. eg:-Covid-19 has meant pandemic for people for short by the UNESCO.

  • 5 個月前


  • 5 個月前

    🔷 people for short:人們簡稱

    # for short: [ph.] 簡稱,縮寫

    例1. People are called Kuma and Hachi for short. (人の名を略して熊や八と言う。)

    例2. However, surprisingly large numbers of people get on for the short distance between the two stations. (しかしこの2駅の間を利用する人は意外に多い。 )

    例3. People actually accomplish more when they take time for short rests. (人々は短時間の休息を取ると、本当により多くを成し遂げる。)

    《美辭典》for short:(釋義) used as a shorter way of saying a name

    例. His name’s Maximilian, but we just call him Max for short.

    《日辭典》for short:(釋義) 略して

    例1. Thomas is called Tom for short. (トーマスは略してトムと呼ばれる。)

    例2. Her cousin, Margaret, is called ‘Maggie' for short. (彼女のいとこのマーガレットは略して「マギー」と呼ばれている.)
