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  • 機率問題-Bayes' Rule,計算機率多少?

      Males and females are observed to react differently to a given set of circumstances. It has been observed that 70% of the females react positively to these circumstances, whereas only 40% of males react positively. A group of 20 people, 15 female and 5 male, was subjected to these circumstances, and the subjects were asked to describe their reactions on a written questionnaire. A response picked at random from the 20 was negative. What is the probability that it was that of a male?

    9 個解答數學7 年前
  • 統計機率問題,請高手幫忙!拜託!拜託!

    Suppose that two balanced dice are tossed repeatedly and the sum of the two uppermost faces is determined on each toss. What is the probability that we obtain

    a. a sum of 3 before we obtain a sum of 7?

    b. a sum of 4 before we obtain a sum of 7?

    12 個解答數學7 年前
  • 很急的機率問題,拜託高手指點!

    In a game, a participant is given three attempts to hit a ball. On each try, she either scores a hit, H, or a miss, M. The game requires that the player must alternate which hand she uses in successive attempts. That is, if she makes her first attempt with her right hand, she must use her left hand for the second attempt and her right hand for the third. Her chance of scoring a hit with her right hand is .7 and with her left hand is .4. Assume that the results of successive attempts are independent and that she wins the game if she scores at least two hits in a row. If she makes her first attempt with her right hand, what is the probability that she wins the game?

    10 個解答數學7 年前
  • 拜託高手解答數學的機率計算問題!

    A fleet of nine taxis is to be dispatched to three airports in such a way that three go to airport A, five go to airport B, and one goes to airport C. (a) In how many distinct ways can this be accomplished? (b) If exactly one of the taxis is in need of repair, what is the probability that it is dispatched to airport C? (c) If exactly three of the taxis are in need of repair, what is the probability that every airport receives one of the taxis requiring repairs?

    5 個解答數學7 年前
  • 請問數理統計學的專家們,有人會解這一題嗎?

    Students attending the University of Florida can select from 130 major areas of study. A student’s major is identified in the registrar’s records with a two-or three-letter code (for example, statistics majors are identified by STA, math majors by MS). Some students opt for a double major and complete the requirements for both of the major areas before graduation.

    The registrar was asked to consider assigning these double majors a distinct two- or three-letter code so that they could be identified through the student records’ system.

    What is the maximum number of possible double majors available to University of Florida students?

    If any two- or three-letter code is available to identify majors or double majors, how many major codes are available?

    How many major codes are required to identify students who have either a single major or a double major?

    Are there enough major codes available to identify all single and double majors at the University of Florida?

    1 個解答數學7 年前
  • 繞行部隊問題,試求全程移動路徑長。


    3 個解答數學8 年前
  • 請教有關排列組合的問題,請高手回答!


    3 個解答數學8 年前
  • 英磅的單位換算?



    2 個解答其他:科學10 年前
  • 請各位對姓名學有研究的大師幫忙看看這個姓名的吉凶如何?


    8 個解答神話與民間傳說1 0 年前
  • 請幫忙用英文翻譯這幾句主持台詞


    3 個解答語言1 0 年前
  • 有關電化學的基本問題?


    2 個解答化學1 0 年前
  • 請問歐元硬幣圖案的問題







    2 個解答嗜好與手工藝1 0 年前
  • 請問一題有根號的數學問題!


    3 個解答數學1 0 年前
  • 為什麼蘿蔔開花與光線有關呢?


    2 個解答植物學1 0 年前
  • 請幫忙翻譯幾題簡單的數學問題,萬分感謝!



    4 個解答語言1 0 年前
  • 請問大師個人的紫微斗數及運勢如何?


    3 個解答神話與民間傳說1 0 年前
  • 九年一貫課程的利與弊為何?


    1 個解答其他:教育1 0 年前
  • 請問個人的紫微斗數運勢及未來牛年的運勢


    3 個解答神話與民間傳說1 0 年前
  • 石墨轉變為金剛石的問題


    2 個解答化學1 0 年前