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王海倫 發問時間: 社會與文化語言 · 3 個月前


Since my sister had to take the train early tomorrow morning,Mom told her not to sleep late.


請問知識大大們,前段句子有had to為什麼會接"tomorrow morning"未來時間呢?再請問前段句子early tomorrow morning可以改成early in the morning,變成---Since my sister had to take the train early in the morning,…嗎?謝謝。: )


感謝Prisoner與Toming兩位非常棒的知識家熱心回覆喲。: )

To dear Prisoner醫師:

哈哈,這題沒有上下文,原始題目是:Since my sister had to take the train early tomorrow morning,Mom told her___sleep late.(A)not (B)do not(C)to not(D)not to。

一開始看到題目我也覺得如果是常態"每天都坐早班車"應該用簡單式。有時候考試就是這樣,就算出題老師出得題目怪怪的,我們也只能選出題老師"要我們選的答案"。謝謝,Peisoner這麼精闢的解析,讓我更了解時間點的"相對"與"絕對"的文法差異性。哈哈,小妹新年願望,私心希望Prisoner永遠能在Yahoo知識家陪伴我。: )

2 個已更新項目:

嗚,剛手機打字打太快不小心把Prisoner,打到"Peisoner",小妹對不起主治醫師呀。該罵!Prisoner大人有大量,原諒小妹。: )

2 個解答

  • 3 個月前




    Since my sister had to take the train early next morning, Mom told her not to sleep late.


    語言本來就是"語意"重過文法,在英語是第二語言,外來文化習慣(混用next morning 與tomorrow morning)越來越被接受的狀況下,這種說法可能越來越多.醬子,你就要用上下文來分辨作者的時間座標用意是<相對>還是<絕對>的?

    > Since my sister ... the train early in the morning,…嗎?


    Since my sis has to take the train early in the morning, mom tells (or told) her sleep early.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 個月前

    Mom told her not to sleep late---->(main clause)

    Since my sister had to take the train early in the (next)morning------>(subordinating adv.clause of reason, manner)

    have to do something

    =have to

    =has to

    =had to

    =expressing obligation or necessity;-

    eg:-Do your sister often have to go to the train early ?

    -----She doesn't have to go early, No !?

    -----She doesn't go late.

    -----She had to be getting along early !!!!!The sentence means----

    =She had to leave early

    =She HAD TO leave early(----------)

    考試考義務责任=obligation=HAD TO

    (20 marks demanded)
