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travelpa 發問時間: 社會與文化語言 · 10 年前

請問The longest bridge....是什麼意思?


The longest bridge held by swimmers was 250 m (820 ft 2 in) long and was held by 800 volunteers of the German Wasserwacht at the Brombachsee, Germany, on 21 June 2008

3 個解答

  • 10 年前

    I think "bridge" here is formed by human being. That means they used 800 people to form a human bridge that has 250m in length.

    2011-11-29 16:51:12 補充:

    I think "bridge" here is formed by human being. That means they used 800 people to form a human bridge that has 250m in length.

    2011-11-29 16:53:08 補充:

    I didn't know about they used human to build the bridge. All I have done is from the English statement.

    參考資料: self
  • 10 年前

    For discussion purpose, isn't it very likely to just read the sentence literally that there was a bridge held by 800 swimmers? Period.

    I don't see any hint that says the bridge was made of human beings, though it's a clever idea.

  • 10 年前

    有道理,2/3 的人做橋墩,1/3的人做梁,大約是 250m in length. 。

    2011-11-23 22:53:41 補充:


    2011-11-26 15:02:45 補充:

    謝謝聰明的DaSaGwa 網友,請移駕回答欄以便奉上戔戔之點數廿大點。

    2011-11-29 18:43:49 補充:

    But you are correct. Two thirds of them works as the column and one third as the beam. Someone can walk on the "beam" crossing the "bridge". I think so, i don't know either.

    2011-12-13 20:27:13 補充:




    2011-12-13 20:31:50 補充:
