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自強電機 發問時間: 社會與文化語言 · 8 年前


I recommend exploring how attraction and repulsion work between the horizontal wire segment and the magnet when only one side of the hanging wires is conducting instead of trying to box the wire in fear of it being thrown away

2 個解答

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 年前

    I recommend exploring how attraction and repulsion work between the horizontal wire segment and the magnet when only one side of the hanging wires is conducting instead of trying to box the wire in fear of it being thrown away.

    我建議去研究當只有一側掛線在傳導而不是試著分隔怕被扔掉的電線, 水平導線和磁鐵之間的吸引力和排斥力之間是如何運作.

    參考資料: 自己翻的唷 :)
  • 8 年前

