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菜英文 發問時間: 汽車與交通航空器 · 1 0 年前


我最近從台北搭乘長榮航空的B777-300ER到紐約。去程(台北→紐約)直飛大約13~14小時。回程(紐約→台北),據悉因為逆風之故,必須在阿拉斯加州安克拉治停靠1小時加油,從紐約經安克拉治到台北合計共16小時左右。可是根據以下的記載,波音B777-200ER可以橫跨地球飛行不加油連續飛行22小時,距離長達21,000公里。「地球表面上最遠距離是赤道上的兩個定點間的距離20,238公里。 2005年12月10日波音一架命名為 Worldliner 的B777-200LR 從香港國際機場,由東向西以不著陸的方式,經太平洋越過美洲大陸即大西洋,飛抵倫敦希斯洛機場。飛行距離為 21,601 公里,飛行時數22小時22分鐘。」

雖然波音跨洋飛行的試飛班機只有27名乘客,而本人搭乘的長榮B777-300ER機是一般載貨載客的商業飛行,但是否因為如此而需要停下來加油?或是只因為逆風之故,所需油料必須要特別中途停靠加油?以上有請知識家諸位高手專家指導。資料來源:維基百科 Non-stop FlightOn November 9, 2005, a Boeing 777-200LR, dubbed the Worldliner, completed the world's longest non-stop passenger flight, traveling 13,423 miles or 21,602 kilometers eastward (as opposed to a normal westward routing for that sector, which is much shorter at 9647 km) from Hong Kong to London, in roughly 22 hours and 22 minutes. Aboard the 777-200LR were eight pilots including Suzanna Darcy-Henneman, Boeing's first woman test pilot. Although the airplane seats 301, there were only 27 passengers aboard this flight. There were two Boeing executives; several Boeing 777 engineers; representatives from General Electric; and a dozen journalists from around the world.

6 個解答

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 0 年前

    They are a lot of reasons, but they are simple:

    The distance from Taipei to New York John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) is 7790 miles. The maximum range of Boeing 777-300ER is 7930 miles. In theory, the aircraft can make it all the way, but:

    1. Headwind affects fuel efficiency

    2. Air Traffic Control requires additional routing and holding (New York is one of the busiest airspace in the U.S. (3 major airports within 50 miles of area).

    3. The aircraft is fully loaded (with fuel as well)

    Therefore, it has to make a fuel stop in order to make it all the way.

    By the way, based on the link you provided, the airlines who operates the longest non-stop routes do not use Boeing 777-300ER:

    Singapore Airlines

    Newark Liberty (EWR) - Singapore Changi (SIN): A340-500 (Max. Range: 8670 miles)

    United Airlines / Continental Airlines

    Newark Liberty (EWR) - Hong Kong (HKG): B777-200LR (Max. Range: 9380 miles)

  • 1 0 年前


  • 匿名使用者
    1 0 年前


    2011-04-17 12:48:13 補充:

    菜英文 ( 知識長) 請參閱:

    2011-04-22 17:31:33 補充:



  • 1 0 年前


    那架飛很遠很遠的是 777-200LR


    LR=Longer range

    ER=Extended range




  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 0 年前


  • 匿名使用者
    1 0 年前

    If the flight wants to carry more passengers, it needs to carry less fuel.

    Then, the flight needs refuel.

    And don't forget the crew on board.

    They need at least 2 groups of crew in a trip to fly over the ocean and 3 groups for them to fly non-stop to New York.
