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Steve H 發問時間: Home & GardenDo It Yourself (DIY) · 1 0 年前

My GE electric oven is not heating up to temperature.?

I set the temp for 500 degrees, the lower heating unit comes on, turns red, but then never gets close to the 500 degree setting. The unit is 17 years old and I've never had an problem with it. The controls are all electronic. Any ideas?

2 個解答

  • Toffy
    Lv 6
    1 0 年前

    Well had a similar problem with my GE double oven only when I heated it to 200 degrees it shot up to 500 and burned things really fast. That is the last time in years that I used the lower oven. Only used the top oven as it was not quite on the mark but close enough. We did buy a new double oven. The old GE would have cost over $350.00 to repair. That is almost half the cost of a brand new oven.The new one I bought is an Whirlpool Gold Accubake with the convection features. Love it and it is accurate.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 年前

    Your problem could be as trivial as a loose, (high resistance), connection at the breaker, or simply a worn breaker. It could also be more serious. Get an electrician, he will have the equipment to check it out. If you are comfortable with it, (and FULLY understand the following), you can check out the first possibility: Loosen the panel cover. Run the range until the breaker trips. Turn off the 'main` breaker. Turn off the range breaker. Remove the panel cover. Feel the wires and terminals of the 'range` breaker. (There are two open breakers between you and line power here). If they are too hot to touch this may be your problem. tighten the terminal screws so that a good firm contact is restored. Re-install the panel cover, turn on the breakers, let things cool down for a few minutes, and see if the problem is solved.
