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這種延伸甲板的設計,只在1950年代的Forrestal Class 與 1960年代的 Enterprise Clas 的航空母艦上出現過。比較新的 Kitty Hawk Class、Kennedy Class、Nitmiz Class與最新的 Gerald Ford Class 都已經不再使用。
這艘航母是1945年建造的編號 CVB-41 的中途島號航空母艦(USS Midway),已經退役成為海上博物館。
1 個解答
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說明這張照片的出處給了答案. 這是在老式飛機上才用的到的.
圖中畫圓圈的部分應該可以叫 aircraft catapult ramp. aircraft catapult是航空母艦協助飛機彈射入空的裝置, 新型的戰機在鼻輪上會有相對裝置, 但是舊型沒有, 所以, 用幾條叫 catapult bridle來拉, 飛機升空以後, 這個ramp是設計來回收 catapult bridle的.
Older aircraft did not have a launch bar integrated in the nose gear;instead, a wire rope called a catapult bridle was attached to theaircraft and the catapult shuttle. The ramps at the catapult ends onolder carriers were used to catch these ropes so they could be reused;bridles have not been used on aircraft since the end of the Cold War and all carriers commissioned since then have not had the ramps. The last carrier commissioned with a bridle catcher was USS Carl Vinson; starting with Theodore Rooseveltthe ramps were deleted. During Refueling and Comprehensive Overhaulrefits in the late 1990s-early 2000s, the bridle catchers were removedfrom the first three Nimitz class aircraft carriers. USS Enterprise is the last operational carrier with the ramps still attached.
參考資料: 維基: aircraft catapult