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  • Anybody knows why my internet service gets down in 5 minutes every time I run Cafe World at Facebook?

    I have been using the same internet service for 5 years and hardly have such a sever problem until I started playing Cafe World at Facebook. The internet service gets down in a five minutes, so I can only check in the game for 3 minutes and take off. I can run other similar Facebook games (that require Flash and Java) forever and overnight, and I have never run into this problem.

    I also wonder if FireFox has anything to do with it, since I can get the problem fixed simply just close FireFox and open a new one in half a minute. However, I have lost all the points and money I gained from Cafe World if I did so.

    2 個解答Facebook1 0 年前
  • Why my baby never stops asking for breast milk?

    My newborn baby's mouth always signals that he's hungry in a one-hour interval, even though I have spent 2 hours feeding him. He's sucking really loud/hard, so I don't think he's just using my nipples as a pacifier. He cries 15 minuits later if I feed him only for an hour.

    8 個解答Newborn & Baby1 0 年前
  • There is only one letter (such as N or P) on hills?

    While my friend was traveling from state to state, she noticed that there was only one letter (such as N or P) on hills.

    Why is that? What does that mean?

    1 個解答Other - Destinations1 0 年前