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Greywolf 發問時間: Yahoo ProductsYahoo Search · 5 年前

BUG in Yahoo Answers: Search results wrong?


When you search on a word, and then click on Time to get the results in date sequence, the results at the top are not the most recent ones, and the dates are in Russian.

Try this: search on "raspberry" to find questions about "raspberry pi", then click on Time. Top result is more than a month old. Frankly, Google can do better than that - can find a more recent Raspberry Pi question.

1 個解答

  • That may well be, as the Search function hasn't worked well or properly, off and on, for quite a while here.

    But stating it here doesn't help anything. Find the GEAR (top right) and you can post your Suggestion and/or Feedback at the proper links there. Not that YA doesn't already know about it, of course.
