Yahoo奇摩知識+將於 2021 年 5 月 4 日 (美國東部時間) 終止服務。自 2021 年 4 月 20 日 (美國東部時間) 起,Yahoo奇摩知識+服務將會轉為唯讀模式。其他Yahoo奇摩產品與服務或您的Yahoo奇摩帳號都不會受影響。如需關於Yahoo奇摩知識+ 停止服務以及下載您個人資料的資訊,請參閱說明網頁。
Lv 7
When is Search Results sort sequence bug going to be fixed?
After Search Answers, the Search results sequence buttons (Newest etc) do not work. This has been reported several days ago. When will it be fixed? Committed date please.
2 個解答
- ?Lv 76 年前最佳解答
This has been a problem for several days and needs to be reported in where Yahoo! staff will see it as they peruse and scrutinise the new Suggestion Board.