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Greywolf 發問時間: Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 7 年前

When will YA hire a competent DBA?

DBA= Data Base Analyst.

Maybe YA has one, but isn't listening to his/her advice.

Because the performance problems are getting worse and worse. When I click in a link to see a question or a set of questions, I only get to see what I asked for about 30% of the time. Time and time again, I get either "Question has been deleted or is under review" or "Something has interrupted the question stream". I know it's a phony response, because clicking again once or twice retrieves the item.

So here's professional advice from someone who has been in software development for nearly 50 years:

1. Hire a DBA or start listening to the one you've got.

2. Pay attention to performance testing before releasing software.

2. Test your software in a realistic environment before releasing it. Do NOT use us as your testers.

So my question is: when will YA stay doing professional-quality software, instead of this amateur bumbling?

4 個解答

  • 匿名使用者
    7 年前

    Considering they are a multi-billion dollar global company, allowing this kind of sh!t to pass as a website is absolutely appalling.

    I'd expect better from a 12 year old who knew basic C++ who was using his mobile phone to create code.

  • Sas
    Lv 7
    7 年前

    No they will not, YAHOO hasnt made a new product in years.

    to your answer your questions.

    The new ceo, probably instituted these glitches to acquire more advertisement money. the more you click, the more you click the more adverts your exposed to, more money for them. i have the same issues, but i suspect those error messages are designed to increase the amount of ads we see.

  • 7 年前


  • 7 年前

    they had a product that WAS good at the time but they have NOT moved it forwards - it smacks of INCOMPETENCE
