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Greywolf 發問時間: Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 9 年前

Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam?

Lot of spam today, on almost every question. (all promoting Amazon - how odd - I can't imagine them getting involved in this kind of criminality).

Is it worth reporting these answers?

Does YA! have any kind of bot for deleting these answers?

6 個解答

  • 9 年前

    " Is it worth reporting these answers?

    Yes, absolutely worth reporting them.

    "all promoting Amazon"

    It's called Amazon affiliation links. If you roll your mouse over their links and see a "tag" in their url, then report them.

    " how odd - I can't imagine them getting involved in this kind of criminality"

    Yea, well, welcome to the real world. They have been doing this for years.

    " Does YA! have any kind of bot for deleting these answers?"

    Yea, US, the decent users of YA that would like to have a decent place to post and answer questions

    On another note, can you provide a link/example to this spam please ???

  • 匿名使用者
    9 年前

    Worth reporting - definitely. It'll up your trust rating for future reports.

    I'm sure they do have a spam-deleting bot. I notice how Chandigarh call-girl spam is removed within a minute or so these days, along with the accounts posting it: far too fast for manual intervention.

    But I guess with a new spam format, it takes them time to spot the format and get it programmed in.

  • 9 年前

    There bot is more about picking up spam in questions. They will eventually catch it, but you should also report it. If all users reported it would soon disappear.

  • 9 年前


    I keep seeing a user spamming a website link on here.

  • 匿名使用者
    5 年前

    1) Dead Parrot 2) Lumberjack

  • 匿名使用者
    9 年前

    It was appearing all over the place yesterday.
