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Mikoshino 發問時間: TravelAsia PacificMalaysia · 1 0 年前

how many cities are there in Malaysia?

anyone can give me the name and the date of the places become a city? like Miri in 20th May,2005

5 個解答

  • 匿名使用者
    1 0 年前

    Please look at here you can get all the information you needs

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 年前

    How Many Cities In Malaysia

  • 1 0 年前


    * George Town (1 January 1957; current status disputed)

    * Kuala Lumpur (1 February 1972)

    * Ipoh (27 May 1988)

    * Kuching (1 August 1988)

    * Johor Bahru (1 January 1994)

    * Kota Kinabalu (2 February 2000)

    * Shah Alam (10 October 2000)

    * Malacca Town (15 April 2003)

    * Alor Setar (21 December 2003)

    * Miri (20 May 2005)

    * Petaling Jaya (20 June 2006)

    * Kuala Terengganu (1 January 2008)

  • 匿名使用者
    1 0 年前

    In Malaysia there are really only a few global cities,

    KL, Penang and JB.

    Otherwise the list Tan did is close enough

  • 匿名使用者
    1 0 年前

    i agree with Tan S
