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博士學位在那裡做些什麼事 ?

I am fairly curious about what those native PhDs ( graduated from the Univ. in Taiwan ) are doing after graduation in Taiwan, in which region, what kind of business they utilize their expertise ? Especially for those Ph.D in business school.

很好奇台灣本土的博士學位畢業生在畢業後, 多半是從是那一行的事業, 在台灣那裡就業, 是否有學以其用. 尤其是所謂的管理學院畢業的博士.


不可能沒人對這個問題一點概念都沒有吧 ?

我只不過問問台灣的商科博士們 ( aka 企管類博士 ) 多半在那種企業做些什麼事 ? 薪資從何起跳而已 ? 真的沒人知道嗎 ?

3 個解答

  • 虎哥
    Lv 5
    1 0 年前

    Most of them are teaching in colleges, or conducting research in research

    -oriented institute such as 中研院, 中經院, 工研院, etc,..

    Doctor degree in Taiwan nowadays is kind of "too good to be true". Most

    corporates prefer bachelor or master to doctor cuz what corporate needs

    most is strong practical experiences rather than theoretical achievements. In addition, doctor costs more than master and bachelor. This is

    the most significant concern for almost all companies, I believe. Over

    forty thousand companies in Taiwan shut the door down last year....

    Btw, what I've mentioned above is part of the phenomenon depicting

    how bad the economic situation we have right here in Taiwan. Salary of an assistant professor in private college is around 60 thousand NT

    dollars, maybe plus some trivial research fees. Salary for an experienced professor might be around 80, 120 top, thousand dollars per month. Maybe you can find some business and management doctors in some

    consulting firms(企管顧問公司), in which I believe master and bachelor are still the main powers rather than doctor.

    In a word, master/doctor degree in Taiwan in the status quo barely means anything big since tons of bosses are bankrupted!! I guess that's why

    your question here is tough!!

    參考資料: cousin and my grievance
  • A H
    Lv 6
    1 0 年前

    I have sent an e-mail to you, then you should just reply back and we can go from there.

    2008-02-15 01:58:58 補充:

    Many thanks to 虎哥 for sharing his insight.

    What he responded, is what I suspect and fear the most.

    The economy has taken such a downhill path in Taiwan these days, people flood into and pursuit doctorate degree, yet, unable to utilize what they have learned.

    2008-02-15 01:59:19 補充:

    Universities become Ph.D manufactures.

    It's a vicious cycle, will be hard to break down, and it will not be pretty.

  • 1 0 年前

    首先 得跟您說聲抱歉


    我是在 "我看不見我的未來 也看不見台灣的未來"



    之前雖然我早就已經決定以後走 資料庫 的相關工作

    但是 如何起步 卻感到十分迷惘

    我有寄信給那位發問者 詢問您的E-mail




    也能寄份 有關走這條路 該研讀的書籍


    在這裡 也祝您新年快樂 恭喜發財.

