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Why do some people ask questions that could easily be answered by Wikipedia?

8 個解答

  • 1 0 年前

    Hi Mightymo!!!

    Aaaahhhhh!!!! Because, they want to communicate???

    Huuummmm!!!!! Because, YAHOO Answers is fun!!!

    And why do you feel the need to ask that question???? If you already know and gave the answer???

    Ohhhhhhhhh!!!! Yeah!!!!! For the same reason, they ask!!!



  • 1 0 年前

    Or better yet, ask what a word means that can be found in every dictionary. It would take less time to look it up than to type the question here.

    I think some have become a bit too lazy and depend on others to do the work for them, Oh well, an easy 2 points for someone.

  • 1 0 年前

    Totally! I think that people are either totally clueless about where to find the information themselves, or they just really must enjoy the process of asking a question and waiting for the e-mails to roll in.

  • 1 0 年前

    boredom, and some people actually have some input or opinion that you can't find on line. And, we do not allow our children to have search engines.....just in case. Too many bad things that a nine year old can find simply by entering a gentle subject like 'breast cancer' or the wrestler 'XXX'......

  • 1 0 年前

    because wikipedia doesn't love you back.

  • 1 0 年前

    Because of the human influence and it's good fun!

  • 匿名使用者
    1 0 年前

    people lazy but if they werent you wouldn't have close to 11,000 points

  • 1 0 年前

    They want different opinions.
